January 28, 2000 - November 10, 2009
"Puppas" "Sweet Baby Chance" "Chancey"
Well, I am sad to say that we have lost our first baby, Chance. He was put to rest yesterday, seven weeks to the day, that he was diagnosed with bone cancer.
He had been getting so much worse and showing us how much pain that he was in, that we decided we could not let him suffer any longer. On Friday October 30th we were watching scary movies in the dark and were screaming with it. Chance kept coming up to us and we thought he just didn't understand what was going on. But, he continued to come up to us lifting his paw, until the very end. We would give him everything he needed and he would just shift positions or find someone else to go to. Like he was never comfortable. Keep in mind that Chance has never pawed for anything, EVER. So, we knew this was a big deal.
Chance is an inside dog, so when we would put him outside, he would claw at the door and cry. Lately, he just lays down on the cement and lays his chin on the step. Before he was diagnosed and on pain meds, I would ask him to come to bed with me and he just wouldn't. I didn't think of it then, but now I know why.
On Sunday November 8th, in the middle of the night, Chancey woke up and went to our bedroom door. Shawn thought he just needed to go outside, but Chance would not go. He then started to pace our house, back and forth. So, we comforted him and talked to him and unknowingly gave him five pain pills. As a result, he was finally able to get comfortable and go to sleep. He did the same thing Monday night as he slept on the bed with us. Head up, head down, head up... just unable to get to sleep. So, we gave him more pills and he was able to rest. We knew it was time for him to go on Morphine if his pills weren't helping him any longer. But, the thought of him being in so much pain that he needed morphine, was a thought we couldn't bear. That would be torture for all of us and we didn't want him to suffer.

I gave him his breakfast yesterday morning and he could not even finish it. Which, is so unlike Chance. Whenever there is food, Chance is there. No crumb left behind. I thought for sure that while we were gone he would finish it. I came home to find it still there, untouched. Shawn thinks he stayed on the rug near the back door all day, as he was too afraid to walk on our floor. He has fallen more and needs the rugs on the hardwood floors to be super close in order for him to pass. He has always had bad hips and now a bad front paw that he hasn't been walking on since the summer. He has been avoiding his right front paw since July, maybe even June. They said he would have maybe six months and he has been limping for over four months.
Sammi and Dave came over and took some last pictures of us and then we gave Chance his chocolate cake that Landon and I had made the night before. He started licking it and then just started taking big bites... it was great to see him enjoy it so much. We then got him in the car and he seemed so happy, like he knew his pain was about to be over. He continued to be happy the whole way there and even once we got to the vet's office. Normally, he is so scared and reserved there. But this time he wasn't.
When we pulled up, Shawn and I said a prayer for Chance. To give him peace and to make it painless for him. We went in and the doctors talked to us and helped us get everything set. They took him and put his IV in and then gave us time with him. The vet, Dr. McLucas, even cried a couple of times. She said that she tells herself and her mentees that if they ever stop crying or caring about the animals that they are putting to sleep, then they should no longer be a vet. I thought this was so sweet. We kissed and hugged puppas and so did she. Which was so touching for us.
She held his head in her hands as he slowly drifted to sleep and then he lowered his head and closed his eyes. He was at peace. We continued to hug and kiss him and tell him that he was no longer in pain and that we would see him in heaven. I told him that he better run up and find me as soon as I enter those gates. It was so hard to say goodbye. Not to be there to put him to sleep, but to leave him in that room. To return home without our baby. We walked out and looked at him through the window. We went on for a bit more and I just wanted to run back, hug him and never ever let him go.
We pulled out of the parking lot and I just started to bawl and could not stop. When we got home Landon asked me where he went, I told him that he went bye bye. I put him to bed that night and Landon says to me, 'Landon bring Chancey home, K Mommy?' My heart just broke and I started to cry. I told him that I wish he could, but that Chancey is up in heaven with Jesus protecting him. Landon then fell asleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and there was no Chancey there by my side. I could see where his bed was and it was gone and so was he. I just started to cry and could not stop for over an hour. I feel like a part of me is missing, a part of our family is missing. The house seems empty and so cold without him. People keep saying that it will get better and I hope so. I have this pain in my chest that has not gone away since last night... my heart is literally broken without my Chancey.
Chance was such an amazing dog. We were lucky to adopt him six and a half years ago when we got married. We have known him since he was a baby, playing with him, loving up on him and dogsitting him. He came to us knowing and loving us, as we did him. He was potty trained, never begged, never got into anything, never snapped, never not let Landon use him as a jungle gym, never pawed for anything, never had accidents... he was literally a PERFECT DOG. He was chill and lazy and this is how we loved him.
I thank God for our Chance and the time we got to spend with him. I thank God that we were blessed with him and that he could go in such a peaceful way. He brightened our lives and offered us so much unconditional love. We will miss him dearly.
Thank you sweet Puppas for your loyalty, companionship, friendship, hugs, kisses, patience, laughs, walks, funny times, and unconditional love. We love you so very much and will miss you more than words can say.
XOXO, Mommy, Daddy and Landon

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